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Thursday, March 3, 2005

Feeling Better

Augh, I finally got the cold that has been making the rounds. I started feeling yuck on Tuesday. Yesterday was the worst. But, I woke this morning feeling not so bad. To top it off, the baby wasn't moving much and it freaked me out a little bit. Today I have more energy. Yesterday and on Tuesday, I spent a lot of time on the couch trying to get some sleep. I haven't been staying up late and I think that helped to fight this thing too. Tuesday night I got up every hour and a half to two hours to "use the facilities". Last night I only got up twice.

Kevin and Kaela didn't get this round of runny nose, but Kyle sure did. He likes to use his shirt sleeve to wipe his nose. Ewwwww!

What else to report? We got more rain last night. Ummm. Not much is going on.

The kids are doing fine. Kaela has become a snail herder. She has been collecting snails in a container and putting in dirt rocks and leaves (for food). Kevin helps her, although he doesn't like to touch the snails. Kaela is the zookeeper and Kevin is the scientist (as in the Zoo Tycoon game). This basically means Kaela tends to the animals and Kevin observes them.

Kyle is become quite a handful. He will tear through the drawers and cabinets and empty them as fast as he can. He does it quietly so that I don't even realize he is doing anything until I find him doing these things (I usually go looking for him because he is so quiet). Yesterday he got into my nail polish and had them all lined up in a row. I usually have them in a small box under the bathroom sink. Keith thought that Kyle's lining up the bottles and curiosity are a signs of his intelligence.

Kevin has become weepy. He starts to cry over little things and it is driving me bonkers. He started crying to day because Kaela wanted to watch Dora the Explorer and he didn't. I told him he could pick a show after Dora was done. He wanted to watch his pick now. Yesterday he cried because he wanted string cheese for lunch and not the macaroni and cheese I was making. Little things like that are making him cry. We seem to think it may be his frustration of having to deal with the things Kyle does to him. He was quick to tears for a spell when Kaela did things to him and couldn't/wouldn't retaliate. He is so good to them. He is so caring and gentle with them and would never think about hurting them purposely.

Well, today we are headed to Costco. We desperately need toilet paper. Tomorrow I have a non-stress test, an ultrasound and my regular doctor's appointment. Tonight is TV night, always something to look forward to.

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