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Thursday, June 16, 2005

Thursday and All is Well

Not much has been happening around here. Well, let's recap and we shall see if nothing has really been going on.

Our Anniversary. Sunday. We went to a Mexican seafood restaurant on the coast. I called the restaurant to see what the dinner crowd wore so that we didn't feel out of place. I wasn't sure if this was a nicer casual restaurant, or a laid back casual restaurant. Well, the hostess said that it definitely was not a jeans kind of place ("Oh no, not jeans," she said). So, Keith and I dressed up, not fancy, fancy, but Keith was in a nice shirt and slacks and I wore a skirt and heels. Well, we get there and everyone is in jeans. There were even shorts and tee shirts, as well as loud obnoxious kids. I know I have kids, but I wouldn't have brought them there. Keith was unimpressed with the food. It was a bit pricey for the atmosphere, but I thought the food was tasty. I didn't think it was so tasty at 3:00am while I was suffering from heartburn. Yick!

Monday. What can I say. It was Monday.

Tuesday. Julie came up with Emily and Zoe. Emily and the kids played hard - in the backyard, upstairs, downstairs, in the garage. Time went by really fast. Before I knew it, Julie was telling Emily that it was time to get going soon. Julie and I just hung out with the babies and talked. We all had a good time.

Wednesday. We met Keith for lunch. We hadn't met him for lunch in ages. Then after dropping him off, I wanted to drive around a little so the littlest ones could nap before we headed off to Ikea. Well, I got lost and all turned around. We ended up getting stuck in totally horrendous traffic. So, what was supposed to be a fun little drive so the babies could take a short nap, turn into us being lost for about an hour and Kenna crying most of the time. We finally made it to Ikea. All the kids were actually pretty good in the store. Kevin and Kaela had fun looking at all the furniture and sat in different chairs and on beds and things. They loved looking at the kid's rooms. Kevin loves to shop and says that Ikea is one of his favorite stores. Yesterday as we were diving around Kevin says, "Mama! Look! Big Lots!" Oh my goodness that boy likes to shop.

Thursday - today. We straightened up the house because the cleaners were coming. Yes, I clean before the cleaners get here. I don't like scrub and clean, I just tidy the house. Pick things off the floors and clear off counters. I do it to maximize what the cleaners are actually able to clean. Does that make sense? Now Kyle is napping and I hear Kenna starting to cry (she was napping). So, I guess I should go. *sigh*

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