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Friday, August 5, 2005

The Fantastic Four

No, not the movie. The Kids. They are such a joy.

Well, we came back last weekend from our vacation and we had a great time. I will tell you more about the vacation in a separate post. This one is about the kids.

They were well behaved and had a great time at Grandma and Grandpa's house. They got to eat all kinds of yummy treats. Grandma even made them Rice Krispy Treats. They got to have ice cream every night!

They had fun with their Auntie Ris and did all kinds of neat things. They swam everyday in the backyard. They have some serious tans going on. Auntie Ris even took a dip a few times. Kyle was not as adventurous in the water. Kevin and Kaela were too rowdy for him. Kevin can hold his breath for "a long time" and Kaela can swim around the circumference of the pool without stopping. Ris took them to the park and the beach. Kevin, Kaela and Kyle all ventured into the water (waded). Kaela said the water got into her mouth and it was "yucky".

Kevin made all kinds of neat Lego creations while on "vacation". Keith said Kevin has been a really good kid - which he has - and so we got him a really nice Lego set. Iron Predator vs T Rex. Kevin has made some really sophisticated looking things with this set. Maybe he will be an engineer or designer.

Michaela is officially potty trained. She wears her undies to bed and even when we go out. The day before we left for vacation, she announced that she had to "pee and poop in the potty". And she did! Well, at Grandma and Grandpa's she didn't need much prompting and was able to go all by herself. I guess she will be going to preschool in the fall.

Kyle is more vocal. Today at lunch he held up his french fry and said "Broken". It had a snapped tip. He sounds like he is saying all kinds of things including "Ghost" for every weird noise he hears in the house. He is saying no whenever he objects to something. Time for nap nap. "Nooooooo". He is communicating very well these days and is taking commands/requests really well too. He is pointing to more pictures in his books. If you point to a dog, he'll bark. A dinosaur, he'll roar. A cat, he'll meow. He is going to be talking in no time.

McKenna is now four months old. She had her well check appointment today. She got another round of immunizations (the same four as last appointment). She is 13 pounds, 4 ounces and is 23 1/2 inches long. All her siblings were 25 inches at this age and one or more pounds heavier. She is doing well after her shots. She is sleeping them off. She has gotten really strong and is starting to roll over. She can do it in her bed if she has something to push against, but is getting stuck on her side if there is nothing around her.

Well, that's it for the kids for now. I am working on what to write (a summary) of our vacation and will probably make up an album of pictures. Signing out. Bye!

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