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Sunday, September 17, 2006

Kaela's Back in School

Kaela's First Day

Wow! Kaela started school last Wednesday, but this is my first chance to post. School has started up again and things are in full swing. I am the co-chair for one of the committees for Kevin's school's PTO. I am shuttling the kids around and trying to keep the everyday household stuff under control. Kevin started Cub Scouts and Keith is going along with him. Kaela starts ballet/tap class next Saturday (she missed the first class that occurred yesterday). I am trying to crank out my Mom's birthday party invitations. We had a birthday party today. I feel so rushed and busy. Ack! Kevin also wants to do karate, so we are looking for a relatively inexpensive place. Not having much luck!

Keith is busy at work and has an interview with another department on Monday (today if you are reading this on Monday). They are very interested in him. Hopefully something will come of it and he will not be so bored at work. He prefers to be busy work while he is at work.

What else is going on? I am starting in a new Bible Study on Wednesday. As far as stamping goes, I am in a ton of swaps and I am hosting a few. So, I am really busy there. Kyle and Kenna are just chugging along. Kyle is now talking in sentences and Kenna is getting more and more headstrong. When she wants something, she wants it. No one can get in her way. We've noticed that Kyle is taking the same approach with Kenna that Kevin took with Kaela. Kenna can hit him, scream at him and yell at him, but Kyle just won't be mean back to her. This is a good thing! lol It would be terrible if he attacked her back.

So, other than life being really busy right now, life is just going on. Nothing extraordinary to report. If there is, I can't remember it, so then it must not be all that extraordinary! I really just wanted to share Kaela's picture. She is already enjoying school so much and she is glad to be back.

Good bye for now.

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