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Monday, October 31, 2005
Happy Halloween
Thoughts from
9:56 PM
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Thoughts from
8:11 PM
Life is Moving at the Blink of an Eye
Aurgh. I don't know where the time is going, but it is flying by. We have been really busy, but not doing anything in particular. It is just life that has us busy. So, here are so quick recaps...
The car. It is done. We got it back on Friday and it is so nice to be in my own car again. The familiarity of it is calming. I feel safer in it than I did in the rental car and lastly my dad's car which we ended up borrowing after the whole insurance fiasco reared its ugly head. The car feels great and looks great. They washed it for us and it looks all shiny and new.
Keith. Doing the daily grind. He has no complaints I guess, or rather none that he is expressing. He got the just released, Civilizations IV. It was regularly $49.99, but since we had gathered so many Best Buy bucks from McDonald's, we got $42 off. I suppose we could have gotten the game completely free, but to get the Best Buy bucks, you had to have large fries or a premium chicken sandwich from McD's. Well, after gathering $42 worth of these things (in $3 and $1 increments and with the help of Maria), I am SO sick of McD's. Of course the kids love it, but their stuff didn't come with the Bucks. At any rate, Keith is now playing the game as we speak.
Me. Well, I am getting ready for my open house on the 12th of November. I have had a few responses to the e-mail newsletter I sent out, so I know at least a few people will be there. I feel like I never have enough time on my hands to do what I want, but yet I feel that the time I do have is being wasted. I feel unorganized and forgetful these days. I am just not on the ball like I feel like I usually am. I think some of it has to do with my disorganized house. The house is a reflection of my disorganized life.
Kevin. He has a loose tooth. He is anxious for it to come out. He is enjoying soccer, but wants to do Karate too. We are still holding strong with the one extracurricular activity until he is older. He has been learning a lot through school. He can now recognize letters by sight. I just wish they would work more with the numbers so I don't have to! This weeks homework they want him to be able to recite his numbers up to 40. I just don't have the patience to do it.
Kaela. She has been peeing in her bed at night. At first I thought there was an explanation as to why - she didn't pee before bed, she woke from a bad dream and then couldn't rush to the bathroom, etc etc - but she did it again for no apparent reason. Back to the pullups. It seems to go good for a few weeks then back to the pullups. Oh well, she'll learn - hopefully soon!
Kyle. He has been fighting and picking on his sister everyday, all day! It is aggravating, not to just Kaela, but for me too. I guess I can referee to my many job titles. Kyle is talking more and I can make out a lot of the words he is saying. He is still bugged by anything dirty and can't stand things that aren't just so (according to his tastes). He is a smart one though. He had a memory like an elephant.
Kenna. She is strong as ever while sitting up. She can move her hands when she is on her hands and knees, but generally gets forward movement by plopping on her stomach and then getting back up on hands and knees then lunging forward, plopping on her stomach then getting up and on and on until she gets to where she wants to go.
Halloween. Keith is going to take the three older kids out and Kenna and I are going to hand out candy. I went out last night to check the mail and it was cold! Last year was really cold, this year looks as though it'll be the same. We are going to carve the pumpkin tonight after we get back from Kevin's soccer.
Overall, there aren't really any complaints. It's all good. Back on the 13th marked the 7th anniversary of our first date. Life is moving at record speed.
Thoughts from
11:20 AM
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Kyle's Birthday Cake
Thoughts from
11:03 PM
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Kaela Visits the Pumpkin Patch
Thoughts from
11:54 PM
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Happy 200th Post & 2,000th Hit
Well, this is my 200th post. When I started this blog just before the new year, I didn't think I would be able to keep up with it. Going back and reading what I have written, it is fun to see what has gone on this past year.
It is also neat to see that the blog has been visited 2,000 time. This counter to the right is a bit deceiving though in that more than have the hits are mine. But still, I think for a blog that hasn't been thrown out there on the search engines, it does get some pretty good traffic.
So, with that, thanks for reading!
Thoughts from
1:36 PM
Kyle's is Two!
Thoughts from
1:19 PM
Kyle's Birthday Dinner
Thoughts from
1:12 PM
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Our Weekend
We had a full weekend. It was nice.
Thursday Kevin and Kaela were off from school, so we all stayed home together. We didn't do much of anything that day. The kids played and watched videos. I had a lot of cleaning to do as we were having guests on the weekend, but as usual I procrastinated.
Thursday afternoon was a busy delivery day for us. First UPS came by with packages for Kyle's birthday and Halloween. Then the postwoman dropped off more packages for the same. The kids were really excited when they came. We saved one of the bigger packages for when Keith came home so that he could join in on the fun. Kyle was asleep when the boxes came in, so we were able to hide his birthday presents.
Friday Kevin had his first field trip. He rode on a school bus for the first time and had a lot of fun at the farm they visited. He saw an ox, a calf, goats, horse, cow and pigs. There were bees and lots of vegetables. He said his favorite was the calf. His class and the three other kindergarten classes went - two full bus loads! It was really hot that day and the kids and I walked at 1pm to pick up Kevin. The sun was beating down on us and the kids' cheeks were a bit red. I had our big black umbrella that both Keith and I fit under to shade the kids. Kaela walked the whole way home with that thing shading her. It was quite a funny sight. She held it high up on the handle which was so long that it was touching her feet as she walked.
Saturday was a busy day. We finally got the house clean! I let the housecleaner go in the middle of August, so the house hadn't been really cleaned since then. I have been doing a lot of Stampin' Up! stuff, so my things are everywhere in the kitchen. I got all that stuff cleared out of the kitchen and somewhat put away. My counters are once again bare and sparkly white. Keith took the plunge and deep cleaned the guest bathroom and the kids' bathroom. I had been cleaning them, but not a well as I should have. I dusted and spot mopped the floors. I cleaned out the cracks of the couches and the house actually was nice and presentable.
Alma and Scott were running a half marathon this weekend and asked if they could spend the night so that they wouldn't have to wake really early to drive to the race. By staying at our house, it got them closer to the race so that they could rest prior to their run. They brought their kids and we watched them this morning while they raced. Kevin and Joshua had a TON of fun playing together and Kaela and Carolina were stuck like glue. They were all well behaved and had fun fun fun!
It started to drizzle last night and today for most of the day it was raining. Well, rain as in SoCal rain. Not really rain to anyone else! Kevin had soccer and the game wasn't cancelled. I stayed home with the rest of the kids as Keith took Kevin. I didn't feel like bring the kids to sit in wet grass. Good thing we didn't go, Keith said it rained a bit while they played. Kevin did a good job playing. Keith said he overhear one of Kevin's teammate's older brother comment, "That Kevin, he's good!" Kevin really is enjoying soccer.
Well, this is going to be a busy week. Kyle's birthday is tomorrow. We are going to have dinner using Thomas the Train plates and napkins. I ordered him a Thomas the Train cake. It'll be fun I think!
Kyle's birthday party is on Saturday - a costume party. I have not started making the kids' costumes. I think I am going to have a few late nights this week. I am also supposed to make the cake and I haven't a clue as to what we are going to serve at the party food wise! Yikes! I have less than a week. I better get on the ball!
Well, with that said, it is time for all kiddies to go to bed! Good night!
Thoughts from
8:11 PM
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Practice Drills
Thoughts from
5:21 PM
Thoughts from
5:12 PM
Book Hoarder
Thoughts from
5:06 PM
A Hint of Teeth
Thoughts from
5:04 PM
My Poor Car
Thoughts from
4:56 PM
Monday, October 3, 2005
McKenna is 6 Months Old!
Thoughts from
12:41 PM
Soccer Boy
Yesterday was Kevin's first day of soccer. They won 2-1. Well, I think they did. They don't officially keep score. The other team would say it was 2-2, but I think their last goal shouldn't have counted. The goal was made while time wasn't "running".
We rushed there because it was picture day and we were instructed to be there no later than 12:55. Well, when we got there, there were all kinds of kids there and in their respective teams. The red team, the green team, the gold team, the navy team, the white team, but no purple team. Hmmmm we wondered. Then a man stopped us and said, "Are you the purple team?" "Yes!" I exclaimed. He told us to wait there and he would check out the other fields to see if he could find more purples. Where we were, I noticed a few other bewildered parents and kids without team shirts so I inquired, "Purple?" "Yup," a few replied. Finally the guy came back with a whole other group of parents and team members with the coach in tow.
Shirts got finally distributed, but of course the pictures were delayed. The team that had the 12:30 slot were still waiting at 1:20. So the Purple Dragons started practice before their pictures, much to the grumbles of Moms that had their kids' hair just so. Just what we want, sweaty kids and sweaty shirts in the sports pictures. Well, all was well as the coach didn't really work them too hard. They learned stops and kicks as the ball came towards them.
Finally it was their turn for pictures. All the kids were so adorable. Kevin had his classic disappearing eyes, I'm trying to hard to smile for the picture smile. But, cute nonetheless.
The game was fun. Imagine 12 4-5 year olds, 6 in gold shirts, 6 in purple shirts, all in a heard running after the same ball. Kicks and pushes to get the ball. There aren't goalies in the division, but the coach put two kids to defend the goal. Kevin was one of the in the second quarter. He took his job very seriously and even stopped a goal. Yippee!!
There were some shining stars on the team. They look like they are a good team with a great mix of kids.
After the game, we went out for ice cream and then to the park. That, as always, was a fun time.
Today at morning hellos in his class, Kevin announced to the class that he started playing soccer today. I asked what the other kids said about that. He said that because he is now playing soccer, the kids are calling him "Soccer Boy." "I think that's a great nick name," Kevin says proudly.
Thoughts from
12:30 PM